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Get the best results with Remote Dog Trainers and re-train failed training from the past. Chief has been trained since he was a puppy but didn’t come often when called. Find out how Steve quickly trained his dog Chief how to come when called.
As promised, here’s part 2 of Steve and Chief’s success with the Pet Barrier. This time, we’re going to talk about Steve’s success with the Remote Dog Training Collar that he bought along with the Pet Barrier that kept Chief safe inside the workplace.
In the previous blog entry about Steve’s success with the Pet Barrier, we found out that Steve worked in an industrial area with tons of trucks and other vehicles passing by the streets all the time. We can only imagine how busy the streets must be but we know that it’s no place for a dog. However, Steve didn’t give in to that and tried a solution which resulted in Chief’s safety away from the gate and the trucks and also gave Steve and his colleagues some piece of mind while working upstairs.
When Steve bought the Pet Barrier, he also bought a Remote Dog Training Collar to try and train Steve to come when called. Steve was trained since he was a puppy but somehow didn’t want to come when called. After several short training sessions in the park, Steve is now happy that Chief comes back every time they call him. Here’s the part of Steve’s email where he mentions the Remote Dog Trainer and what happened. Read the full email here.
The Remote sports trainer I can’t believe just how easy this had made our lives, he wasn’t a naughty dog but often didn’t want to come back when called even after being trained since he was a pup, it took several presses of the button on the first time at the park but now comes back every time we call and we even walk him without a lead and he is more than happy to walk next to the stroller without wanting to “play” with other dogs as they pass.
At first I was a little unsure about these training methods or how they would be perceived by the public but since using them I couldn’t be happier, he now responds only to the “beep” on the collar and we haven’t used the knick buttons for some time.
Just wanted to thank your team on providing a quality product and all the information I needed to make the decision and one I should have made earlier, the small amount of training required showed the Chief knew what he had to do but decided that he didn’t want to do it.
As you can see, we can tell that the Remote Dog Trainer Steve used didn’t require much time and effort until Chief was retrained for a recall. The recall command is extremely important and is a matter of life and death for your dog. Here are 5 Easy Steps to Train Your Dog with a Remote Training Collar.
We couldn’t tell which exact kit Steve used for chief but we’re going to analyse the email a bit and see if we can get an educated guess. Steve did say that it was a remote sports trainer so it’s no doubt that it’s a SportDOG Remote Trainer. He also said that he takes Chief to work so Chief must be male and medium to large in size. Lastly, we see that Steve used it in the park. If Steve values money then he must have used a suitable one for park use.
With the information we have there, let’s take a guess and say that Steve got the SportDOG SportTrainer® Remote Trainer – SD-425E. This kit is of very high quality with state of the art technology and features and it’s no wonder why Steve didn’t take long with Chief’s training. With the tips we have on our blog and the training guide we include in every single one of our training kits, training your dog with our training equipment is and will be very easy for you.
Here are some of the most important features of the SportDOG SD-425E.
With these features, I am sure Steve got his money’s worth and is very happy with the results. The training was so effective that Steve doesn’t even need to use static stimulation anymore. Chief is now responding to the Tone only mode that this collar features. Great use for it!
Here for you and your dog,
Colin Seal