Ranger of the Year Awards 2011


Written by Colin Seal

10/21/2011 Dog Bark Collar, Barking Dog Collar

Rangers Association Annual Training Conference
The Dog Line has proudly supported The Rangers Association since 2003. We are proud to be a part of the movement and help promote responsible dog ownership within the community. Each year we present the prize for the Ranger of the year award.

We also supply training and advise to Rangers on the effective use of the dog products we use for Dog Training. Check out more on The Dog Line Blog now!

Recommend to your Facebook friends HERE!

The Dog Line is major supporter and sponsor since 2003

Presenting the Ranger of the Year Award recently at the Annual Conference.

We announce

Chris Cary

from theShire of Dandaragan as the

Winner of the Ranger of the Year Award 2011.

Pictured to the left is Chris and his wife Katherine with Colin after being presented with the award.

Ranger Team of the Year was presented to the city of South Perth.

Congratulations to both Chris and the City of South Perth for their outstanding efforts this year. You'll see us pictured presenting the awards.

The Dog Line Stand at the conference.

the dog line booth

WARA Committee & Dog Training Conference Awards

Each year the committee for the Rangers Association amazes the attendees with their ability to create a fantastic conference.

The line up of speakers, the content, the organisation, and the Gala Dinner all make for a fantastic event with great training and information that can be taken back to the community.

We are looking forward to the Conference for 2013 and once again being a proud sponsor for the Ranger Of the Year.

Here for you and your dog,
Colin Seal