Electronic Dog Fences can be used in any situation.
Steve and his dog Chief comes to work every day. Chief needed to be kept inside the premises because Steve works in an industrial area with a lot of trucks in the road. With the help of a Pet Barrier Electric Dog Fence, Steve can now work upstairs without worrying about Chief.
Steve works as a Group Regional Manager of a company in Australia that sells transport and material handling equipment. He brings Chief with him to work every day to the office which is situated in an industrial zone. If you’re familiar with industrial areas, then you’d know how many trucks and other vehicles come and go in the streets. This poses a huge risk for Chief if he can escape outside of the premises and onto the street with all the trucks.
Steve sent us an email thanking us of the wonderful product he bought that gave him the worry-free work days that he has, now that Chief is safely contained within the premises. Read his testimonial below and how it worked for him. We know he also mentioned a Dog Training Collar but we’ll talk about that in a future blog post.
Hey guys, Just wanted to let you know that a few months back we purchased both the Pet Barrier and the sports dog remote training collar.
Chief my dog comes to work with me every day, and being in an industrial area we needed to keep him inside the premises and not out playing with the trucks in the street.
We trained him twice on the lead to show him the boundary, then let him off. I’ll give him credit for trying to go out the gate once we were inside but he learnt pretty fast that couldn’t happen.
Since then he has kept a safe distance from the gate, we can now work upstairs in the office knowing that he won’t be out on the road and he is free to roam around the premises.
The Remote sports trainer I can’t believe just how easy this had made our lives, he wasn’t a naughty dog but often didn’t want to come back when called even after being trained since he was a pup, it took several presses of the button on the first time at the park but now comes back every time we call and we even walk him without a lead and he is more than happy to walk next to the stroller without wanting to “play” with other dogs as they pass.
At first I was a little unsure about these training methods or how they would be perceived by the public but since using them I couldn’t be happier, he now responds only to the “beep” on the collar and we haven’t used the knick buttons for some time.
Just wanted to thank your team on providing a quality product and all the information I needed to make the decision and one I should have made earlier, the small amount of training required showed the Chief knew what he had to do but decided that he didn’t want to do it.
Thanks again.
Steve *******
Group Regional Manager WA/SA
Thank you, Steve! We’re very happy for your success and hope you spread the word so other people’s dogs can also benefit from the safety that the Pet Barrier Electric Dog Fences offer.
Electric Dog Fences can protect your dog from escaping, jumping the fence or digging under and endangering themselves outside of your property. It can even protect your dog from walking through a gate, into the driveway or even prevent them from destroying your precious garden beds in the yard.
We’ve already discussed the benefits of an Invisible Dog Fence versus the Traditional Dog Fence and why it’s a Cost-Effective Dog Containment Solution. In this blog, we’ll focus on how flexible and easy it can be if you choose our Electric Dog Fences over the good ole’ white picket fence.
Steve installed a Pet Barrier Electric Dog Fence in his workplace which prevented Chief from going out into the street where all the tracks are. Steve only trained Chief twice on the leash to show him where the boundaries are and let him off. Simple as that! Chief is now keeping his distance from the gate and is given the freedom to roam around the premises. Chief can now be happy and free whilst being safe from the trucks outside all thanks to the Pet Barrier.
This is not the only practical application of a Pet Barrier Electric Dog Fence. We also have smaller solutions for Indoor Electric Dog Fences if you want to prevent your dog from going through a door, near the dinner table or out of a specific room in the house or office when you bring your dog to work. The choice is yours and you can even use our Pet Barrier Grounds Keeper kit if you’re okay with laying some dog fence wire around the area. Give us a call if you want some advice and recommendations.
Usually, Pet Barrier Electric Dog Fences are installed and used for home properties, farms or similar. However, Steve used his Pet Barrier in an Industrial area which further proves how flexible and easy dog containment can be with a Pet Barrier Electric Dog Fence from The Dog Line.
We have two kits that are very popular with all the sweet state of the art features. The Pet Barrier Grounds Keeper is your best bet for a smaller property or regular homes and properties. The Pet Barrier FM1200 Kit is best for larger coverage such as farms. Here are a few important features that we think you may like with our Pet Barrier Electric Dog Fences.
The Pet Barrier Grounds Keeper and the Pet Barrier FM1200 Kit has more features for your dog containment needs! Check out their product page and find out.
We also have PetSafe Electric Dog Fences available on the site and in the store. They may not be as feature-rich as our Pet Barrier line but they are also reliable and effective. It all depends on what kind of dog problem you’re having, the layout of your property and the type of dog you want to contain. If you need help deciding, we’re always available to send you a FREE DOG FENCE QUOTE anytime. Simply fill in the form and we’ll send you all the information you need as well as our recommendation based on 12 years of experience in the field.
Here for you and your dog,
Colin Seal